Because it’s Melanie.

The owner and operator of JUST MATH is 

Melanie Sittler, MSEd, MBA

There are many people out there assuming the role of math tutor.


Melanie has published success supporting students, teachers and administrators in schools. 

One of Sittler’s (published) successes include the citing of her work in Pennsylvania’s Phase 2 Race to the Top application. During the 2008-2009 school year, Sittler served as a contracted Mathematics and School Leadership Cluster Leader for an affiliate of the National Center on Education and the Economy Americas Choice


The eight (8) schools that received on-site technical assistance in the areas of school leadership and mathematics from Sittler: 

 Showed increases in student achievement at the advanced level in mathematics that that were 3.5 times greater than the school district as a whole.
 Showed growth in proficiency in mathematics equal to 2-3 times greater than the remainder of the district.
 Students posted percentage point reductions in below basic double the district reduction in below basic in math.

(Source: Pennsylvania Race to the Top, CFDA # 84.395A).

If Melanie can lead students, teachers and administrators to academic successes as stated above,

Can you imagine

Melanie was involved with online learning 

over a decade before COVID hit!

As far back as 2010,

Schools were facing the reality that some students were leaving the brick-and-mortar school building to attend online schools. 




Schools were forced to begin looking for ways to keep their students enrolled with their school so that the student funding didn’t leave their school when it followed the student to the online school.

In response to the growing demand for online learning, and the related desire of schools to keep funds by creating their own online schools so they could have an online option to offer students who wanted to leave and attend an online school,

Education management companies began to offer what schools needed: an online school of their own so that they could compete with the existing online schools that students were leaving their brick-and-mortar school building for.

Guess what?

An education management company that creates online schools for schools who want to compete with existing online schools was looking for a Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Melanie was recommended by a local school superintendent to serve as the contracted Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the education management company.

While serving in that role, 

Melanie formed working partnerships with public schools and informal education providers and helped them establish and maintain their own online schools and hybrid learning programs. 

Although Melanie left that role, 

Melanie continues to support effective and efficient teaching and learning in the online environment through a variety of support services for families.

Learn more about JUST MATH online learning support services

Melanie’s been navigating the school system 

for and with parents

for over 18 years!

Melanie's experiences in and beyond the K-12 school system enables her to have access to resources which many are unfamiliar. 

Melanie’s active involvement in the political arena of education has, and continues, to afford her the opportunity to navigate the political trail for the betterment of education organizations and the families she supports.

 Start Your Journey With Melanie and JUST MATH 

Engage with Melanie on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!