Do You Want Your Child/Children 

to Enter the Classroom In the Fall 

Confident, and Ahead of His/Her Peers?

Participation in a JUST MATH summer program will ensure your child/children is/are prepared for, and confident about, his/her 2024-2025 mathematics placement. 

Because JUST MATH is NOT a franchise learning center,

Summer programs at JUST MATH are custom to the learner - they build on learner strengths to address learner weaknesses so that the learner is able to enter the 2024-2025 school year prepared and with confidence!

TESTIMONIAL to JUST MATH summer programs:

  • "We'd like to schedule another summer math program with you for XXXXXXX to prepare him for eighth grade Algebra.  XXXXXXX has been doing exceptionally well this year in Pre-Algebra -- I don't know exactly what or how you taught him to "Think Math" but it worked and we'd like him to have the same jump start for 8th grade as he did for 7th grade "  

During summer, we worked with this student to prepare him for the transition from grade 6 mathematics to grade 7 Pre-Algebra.  After receiving the above email, we welcomed this student back the next summer to review Pre-Algebra core content and to learn the core content inherent to the first 9 weeks of his upcoming Algebra1 class.

Learn more about Summer 2024 summer programs.


It goes without saying that summer instructional programs benefit student achievement. However to support this claim, below is research that has been cited:

  • Research by Cooper et al. (2000) revealed that summer programs focusing on remedial, accelerated, or enriched learning had a positive impact on the knowledge and skills of participants.
  • In 2005, Dr. Ruth Peters gave suggestions on how to "block the seasonal brain drain." She suggested that summer is the perfect time to fill in learning gaps and to forge forward by way of enrichment. In the words of Dr. Ruth Peters, "Think of summer as a teachable moment!"

To learn more about the benefits of summer programs,                        

click on:     and  

To request additional information on summer programs.

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